07 January 2011

Language Studies

I am working my way through the language pre-work that the Peace Corps recommends. It's 20 lessons of basic traveler-essential phrases, with no emphasis on grammar or any of that yet. I'm feeling pretty comfortable with what I've gone through so far. Because I know some Polish from my mother and studied Russian for two semesters, the words are mostly familiar and the cyrillic alphabet is easy for me to pick up. I'm sure I'm going to have an odd accent, but I should be mostly understandable. Or at least as understandable as I am in English.


  1. I have been slacking so hard on my Ukrainian studies! I haven't gotten very far because I have been focusing on Lesson Two so I don't have too heavy of an American accent. Also, here is out Group 41 Google Group if you are interested: http://groups.google.com/group/peace-corps-ukraine-group-41

  2. Thanks for the link! I have joined and look forward to getting to know everyone.

    I would say not to worry too much about the accent right now. That will come with time when you're there; the most important thing is having a good enough vocabulary to communicate the basics. The rest will be just practice and immersion!
